William David Klensch

William David Klensch
DOB10/8/70   (46)
Asian male
5-7 tall170 to 200 lbs
Brown hair and brown eyes

William Klensch is wanted by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for failing to comply with the terms and conditions of his parole (parolee at large).  Klensch is on a parole from a previous conviction for rape by force or fear.  Klensch has multiple previous convictions for being in violation of his parole and failing to register as a sex offender.  Klensch also has previous convictions for assault with a deadly weapon.  Klensch may be driving a blue Kia Rio with a California license plate of “4SWN472” and frequents the Downtown San Diego and South Bay areas. Klensch is considered armed and dangerous.